24 Hour Emergency Response
604 619 8521
Frequently Asked Questions About Toilets
Q: Get a Crush toilet tune-up to assure your toilet is working properly
A: We service all toilets and give them a “Toilet Tune-Up,” where we will check for leaks and make sure all the parts of the toilet are working correctly.
Give us a call today to book one.
Q: When I flush the toilet, everything does not clear out of the bowl?
A: There can be several reasons for a toilet not flushing properly:
There may not be enough water moving from the tank to the bowl to clear it out, or the fill valve in the tank is not adjusted correctly.
The siphon jets under the edge of the bowl may be clogged with hard water deposits and may be restricting the amount of water flowing to the bowl.
There also may be an object stuck in the toilet, blocking the bowl from clearing.
If your toilet bowl is not clearing when you flush, give us a call and we will find out why.